Uncovering the unseen meaning of the shining dead star


 Uncovering the unseen meaning of the shining Dead star

An Analysis of a 21st Century Philippine Literature entitled

Padre Faura witnesses the execution?

by Danton Remoto

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the subject of

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World


Bolaños,Erlene Reyne Malata

Facundo,Raven Anne


Macraig,Ravhen Monserrate

Rufino,Benjamin III L.

October 2020









This text is an attempt analyzation of the poem “Padre Faura Witnesses the Execution ofRizal” written by Danton Remoto. The text will show how the work reveals about the history. It aims to help the readers understand the literary work thoroughly.

The title itself shows what the poem is about. The poem narrated how Padre Faura witnessed the death of a mighty hero. The poem is an envisioned account of the priest, Padre Faura on how he feels towards his student, Jose Rizal.


Danton R. Remoto born March 25, 1963 is a Filipino writer, essayist, reporter, editor, columnist,  Contest ., a lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) political party in the Philippines he uses his ability as a writer to partake and support this community by 

Authorial information:

o He was born on Floridablanca, Pampanga,Philippines

o He was son of Francisco Sr. ,A soldier and Lilia Roleto a Music teacher

o He obtain a scholarship on Ateneo de Manila and achieve MA degree on English literature and on 1990 he received his master of philosophy in publishing studies from the University of stirling on Scotland in 2000

o He taught freshman an English composition And Creative writing on his ateneo where he was graduated 


o 1997,remote won the ASEAN prize for essay writing

o 1983 he won the Galian sa arte at tula award on poetry

o 1986, Remoto won the PLAC award for poetry

o 1987, Remoto was a Palanca Awards winner for essay writing



o Skin, Voices, Faces (1991)

o Black Silk Pajamas / Poems in English and Filipino (1996)

o Pulotgata; The Love Poems (2004)

o Rain

o Padre Faura Witnesses The Execution of Rizal


o Ladlad

o Riverrun

Ideologies and beliefs

o His old man used to say to him that the simple yet striking word of wisdom are more reliable on this time

Textual information:

o According to Remoto ths poem is been republished on his new book last 2015

o The poem Padre Faura witness the execution of  Rizal  is based on a real story of Padre Faura most outstanding student Rizal is being executed in the hands of spaniards



Padre Faura Witnesses the Execution of Rizal

Author:Danton Remoto(Poetry)


A. Literary Genre

The literature genre used here is poetry . Poetry a literature that evokes a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience or a specific emotional response through language chosen and arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm. It can be narrative  free verse and  etc. It is a vast subject, as old as history and older, present wherever religion is present, possibly under some definitions the primal and primary form of languages themselves.  Padre Faura witness the Execution of Rizal is indeed in the literary genre of  poetry because it was written on free verse, it uses words to express feelings with imagery and hidden meaning ,Through this literary genre we can feel the feelings and thoughts on the subject while reading it encourages us to connect and find meaning of this poem

B. Analysis Guides

In this part of the paper, we tried to analyze the poem “Padre Faura Witnesses the Execution of Rizal” by Danton Remoto using the following guides.

Reader Response

Honestly, when we read this poem for the first time without analyzing it, we can’t really understand the meaning of the poem. We disliked it because it is hard to understand. After analyzing the poem, our response changed about the poem because we can now understand the meaning of it after the analyzation and some research.


Sadness or being sad is the author’s attitude in the literature. Tone affects the meaning of the literature by helping in creating the main idea of the literature. It stimulates the readers to read a piece of literature as a serious, comical, spectacular or distressing manner it clearly stated that the poem is all about loosing a person because as we read the poem, we can feel the grief of the persona which is Padre Faura. The persona felt for rizal is too painful and forlorn, in the line" Salt stings my eyes, I see pepe" , seeing Rizal in the midst of execution, the persona can't help but held tears in his eyes. Also, knowing that months ago, he knows that Rizal has been preparing for this.

Point of View

This poem is first person point of view where he relates information from perspective. It is clearly stated on the poem that he is telling the bond that they share and he had approach by rizal on the observatory.Padre Faura seen Rizal and tell that  he is on the hands of the soldier stated on the fifth and six pharagraph of the poem.Witnessim Rizal on that position that he said that he burst his eyes with tears and his vission begin to blur

Images and Symbols

There are 2 imagery and symbol in the poem first is the star that represent as Rizal. it was stated on the last paragraph of the poem saying a star still shine a million miles ago even tho the star it self is already dead it can relate this to Rizal his legacy and  heroism continue and still shine like a star even we all know that is dead. And the second one is salt sting my eyes that stated in fifth paragraph saying “salt things my eyes,I see pepe a blur between the soldiers”means that Padre Fauna have seen a terrible event that make his eyes to burst out tears and that is rizal is on the hands of soldier ready to be executed

Sound Effects

Rhyme and rhythm are usually associated with poetry. On the other hand, sound effects are not usually about the rhyming or the rhythm . the author did not used these but instead he wrote it in a free verse with no rhymes and rhytym, you can clearly see and understand that it has no rhyming on the words in every stanzas and do not have an rhythmic pattern to become joyful and interesting to read, let us say that Danton Remoto did not used this style to emphasize cheerfully but instead he create it as simple,free and emphasize the sadness of the poem


         The theme of the poem is all about the Padre Faura witnessing the Execution of the one of the greatest pupil on Ateneo that he had ever seen. It also says that the name of Rizal still shine even though he is already dead.We can't deny that we can still appreciate the things that other people have done even though they are gone forever

C. Contextual Analysis

       Using Biographical context the poem Padre Fauna Witness The Execution of Rizal.Is all about the real story of Padre  Faura witness the  pervious Atenean Student  being executed during spaniard time,whenever we see a monument of Pepe despite of his popularity and heroism we can't deny the fact he is already dead,Danton Remoto says that whenever he see the monument of Rizal on Ateneo idespite of his brightness,heroism,populrity we never have forgoten him even though he us dead


Padres Faura on the day of the execution of Rizal where it is clearly stated that Padre Faura witnessed the execution on the roof of Ateneo municipal clearly nervous and scared as for the word shivering even mixed in with cold since of his location. Back to the present Padre Faura is crying as stated in these. Rizal just came back from Europe after the bitter winter. The  sudden climate change made Rizal's cheeks ruddy. As flashback a few months before when Rizal visited Padre Faura on the observatory in Ateneo Municipal. Padre Faura thought that they will just talk about the star but instead the talk went to purgatory. Vividly Rizal knew of his impending death the reason why he asked about purgatory.


In this part you have to indicate the sources from where you have taken the information you included here in your paper.

You may just have to provide an introductory sentence here first before actually writing all the information needed below.


1 unknown Wikipidea Danton Remoto https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danton_Remoto

2 Virgilo Dacalos Slide Share Pdre Faura behind the street https://www.slideshare.net/virgiliodacalos/padre-faura

3 Danton Romero Facebook Profile Picture of Danton Romero https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FDRTutorial%2F&psig=AOvVaw0WKp9Iys-v1zklPfNH964E&ust=1601798849340000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCNjxo8LGmewCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD

4 Unknown Literary devices Meaning of Poem https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.literarydevices.com/poem/&ved=2ahUKEwiduZTC-pfsAhWJLqYKHfJ4BNsQFjANegQIDRAB&usg=AOvVaw0c7TWHuY84kjhqTM8mhJ4C

5 Marikit Tara Uychoco 21st century literature from the Philipines and the world books Padre Faura witness the execution of Rizal Rex Books shop


  1. For me he is a good person because he is a priest and he accepts the LGBT community even they say that lgbt is not god alley
    - dianne excelle

  2. For me he is a good person because he is a priest and he accepts the LGBTQA+ community even they say that it wasn't god's alley

  3. For me he is a good person because he is a priest and he accepts the LGBTQA+ community even they say that it wasn't god's alley
    -jherdie villan


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